To Vote Or Not To Vote. That’s NOT The Question.

Every midterm election that I can remember we’ve been faced with the dilemma of registered voters deciding not to vote. Deciding their vote doesn’t matter. Deciding it’s not important enough to get out and vote because it’s the midterms and we’re not elect A President Of The United States. That mindset is always a recipeContinue reading “To Vote Or Not To Vote. That’s NOT The Question.”

How Journaling Helped Me From Grieving To Healing To Thriving.

I don’t really know where to start with this blog post. I started out with a thought, an idea, of explaining to You how journaling helped me deal with a traumatic experience I had 22 years ago. As I sit here dictating my words into this microphone I am kind of loss for words. NowContinue reading “How Journaling Helped Me From Grieving To Healing To Thriving.”


How To Identify These Predators. Narcissists are manipulators who have no qualms about twisting a partner’s words or actions in a way that would make the partner feel guilty or remorseful about things they have no reason to feel bad/guilty about. How do you recognize a narcissistic manipulator? Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder GrandioseContinue reading “Narcissistic MANIPULATORS”

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