How Journaling Helped Me From Grieving To Healing To Thriving.

I don’t really know where to start with this blog post. I started out with a thought, an idea, of explaining to You how journaling helped me deal with a traumatic experience I had 22 years ago. As I sit here dictating my words into this microphone I am kind of loss for words. NowContinue reading “How Journaling Helped Me From Grieving To Healing To Thriving.”

Twitter Spaces: Good/ Bad Hosting.

Twitter spaces when used correctly can be a magnificent tool for communication, marketing and just having fun. There are good ways to be a Twitter Host and there are bad ways to be a Twitter Host, I’m going to use this blog post to explain the difference between the two options. First a little backgroundContinue reading “Twitter Spaces: Good/ Bad Hosting.”

Cutting A Narcissist Off At The Knees.

It occurred to me while writing this series on narcissism and manipulators, the best way to deal with somebody who is a narcissist and wants to put their hands around your throat to strangle you with their manipulation is very simple. IGNORE THEM, ONCE YOU’VE CUT ALL TIES. I’ve learned when dealing with manipulative narcissistContinue reading “Cutting A Narcissist Off At The Knees.”

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