Meghan & Harry: An Americans Perspective.

I am an American. I have never been a fan of the Royal Family of England. I stopped liking those people when I watched firsthand how they treated Princess Diana. For the entirety of her marriage I watched how she was denigrated by her husband, who I shall not name, and by the royal family,Continue reading “Meghan & Harry: An Americans Perspective.”

To Vote Or Not To Vote. That’s NOT The Question.

Every midterm election that I can remember we’ve been faced with the dilemma of registered voters deciding not to vote. Deciding their vote doesn’t matter. Deciding it’s not important enough to get out and vote because it’s the midterms and we’re not elect A President Of The United States. That mindset is always a recipeContinue reading “To Vote Or Not To Vote. That’s NOT The Question.”

How Journaling Helped Me From Grieving To Healing To Thriving.

I don’t really know where to start with this blog post. I started out with a thought, an idea, of explaining to You how journaling helped me deal with a traumatic experience I had 22 years ago. As I sit here dictating my words into this microphone I am kind of loss for words. NowContinue reading “How Journaling Helped Me From Grieving To Healing To Thriving.”

Funding Teachers Classroom Supplies.

A very interesting thing happened to me last week. I was on Twitter just hanging out minding my own business and I saw tweets start to appear about Amazon Prime Days. The interesting thing about this, they were not advertisement tweets from Amazon, they were tweets from teachers seeking funding for classroom supplies. I wasContinue reading “Funding Teachers Classroom Supplies.”

Twitter Spaces: Good/ Bad Hosting.

Twitter spaces when used correctly can be a magnificent tool for communication, marketing and just having fun. There are good ways to be a Twitter Host and there are bad ways to be a Twitter Host, I’m going to use this blog post to explain the difference between the two options. First a little backgroundContinue reading “Twitter Spaces: Good/ Bad Hosting.”

Becoming An Amputee: Preparation.

This blog post will inform/guide you how to prepare yourself for your upcoming amputation. If you’re a new amputee hopefully this post will give you some insight in what to expect and how to deal with your expectations not being met….. Because ultimately you will not be as mobile as you’re told you will beContinue reading “Becoming An Amputee: Preparation.”

Amputee ~vs~ Insurance Company

In my last blog post Diabetes and Amputation I revealed how I became an amputee. In this blog post I will relate to you how the insurance companies working in conjunction with prosthetic companies have a mission of hindrance when it comes to an amputees mobility. I’ll start with the K Test. The KContinue reading “Amputee ~vs~ Insurance Company”

Diabetes And Amputation.

I am a right below knee amputee. Or better known as an RBKA. I guess my journey for this amputation started back in the military. I was deployed in the Middle East and an IED exploded on a convoy in which I was a passenger. Although I only got a small rock in the calfContinue reading “Diabetes And Amputation.”

November 8th 2022 General Election

It seems like every election cycle I think in my mind the same phrase “this is going to be the most important election in my lifetime.” I made that statement when Barack Obama ran for re-election. I made that statement when Hillary Clinton was running against Donald Trump. Side note: I would never vote forContinue reading “November 8th 2022 General Election”

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